

I was RAOK-ed today by knitterbelle – she sent me an oh-so-cute Hello kitty notepad. I have one now and I was just wondering the other day that I am going to have to ration the paper so it lasts 🙂 Thank you so much for cheering me!

School was a zoo. The kids HATE the sub I had (which means he will be asked again, haha) and apparently one parent was shocked that her kid is failing. I spoke to the parent previously and told her that the biggest grade prior to the progress reports was a failing grade. She has since done makeup work, so it’s not that bad now, but apparently it’s MY fault and never the students fault. Oh well.

The funeral was ok. Actually it was a nice service, it was good to see my cousins again. Grampa would have loved the party afterwards.

I have one of his spare handkercheifs (not used, except by me yesterday) and I want to embroider or cross stitch or iron on Jiminy Cricket. Any leads?? Any ideas?? J.C. was a long running “part” of grampa and I really want him on the hanky to keep with me. But I’m getting stuck here…

Little knitting to report – I want to block the heart scarf, I’m working on a wrist warmer, but tonight I think I need to work on my grading.

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