
Too random for a title

It’s been forever since I’ve posted – since just before Easter I believe. My mom and Nana loved the Cadbury chicks I made – my mom even brought hers into work to show it off to the knitters she works with – they loved it of course and wanted the pattern 🙂 Spreading the joy!

Apparently the Easter bunny brought me a really icky virus / cold / thing. I was pretty much laid out all last week – no voice, stuffy nose and no energy for knitting! But I’m back on track – my bobbi bear has no arms, but I can start stuffing him tonight. I need to add the handle to the Crystal Palace Deco-ribbon bag. I think I’m going to use the yarn from my secret pal to make the Eyelet Wrap Cardigan in Rebecca #29, and I want to start that tonight.

I listened to the book,Second Assistant, on CD last week in the car – cute, fluffy. I read Laurie Notoro’s book I Love Everybody (and other atrocious lies) – hysterical!! And I see by amazon, that there’s even another book due out soon We Thought You’d Be Prettier – aside from Jen Weiner Laurie Notaro is my favorite! And she’ll be on tour! Wow. No CT dates listed and R.J’s is pretty good about getting good authors through, so maybe…

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