

I’ve been busy the past two days. Yesterday another teacher from work and I took the train into New York. We really just wandered around, but did make it to Dylan’s Candy Bar, the Hello Kitty store, Ricky’s Urban Groove (I got some GREAT magnets and a pin, “Caffeine Queen” and Frozen Hot Chocolate Mix that we weren’t able to have at this restaurant (also featured in one of my favorite movies) because the wait was too long!)

I even managed to drag my friend down to Knit NY – it was cute inside – smaller than I thought it would be. They had a sampling of many different things, and while I didn’t get anything there yarn related it was nice to check it out. I did try the Naked Berry Blast juice which was yummy.

Today we went into RI to visit my grandmother and make a trip to the zoo. I have been so many times, but this was the best. My uncle works in the human services department and was able to take us “back stage” – we saw Mikey the baby zebra (who wasn’t even out because he’s recovering from a medical thing), we got to FEED Golden Lion Tamarins and white faced saki monkeys!! So neat! One jumped on my shoulder – they were startled easily, but were gentle and would respond to “Hand” – they put their hand briefly on yours and then you gave them their food – nuts, grapes or live mealworms!! The unexpected kicker of the day was feeding the ELEPHANTS!!!! Their trunks are like a vacuum cleaner inside a mitten! That was so unbelievable to be able to have that opportunity!

So cool, but soo tired now. Nap time made me feel a little less tired but more cranky. Now it’s time to play catch-up on the blogs!

5 thoughts on “Trips!

  1. Hi from a fellow RAOK’r! You sound like you had a great time!!! Sounds like a lot of fun wish I could have been there! I would love to visit New York again… I loved it the first time I went..it was just the company I was with that ruined it. lol

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