

I won a gift certificate today at work for teacher appreciation day! $125 – that will get a very nice dinner! Google’s got a nice little image up today too… remember your teachers and say thank you!

While SP4 may be over, I have to say that I enjoyed being on the giving end to Sequink and pal of For the Love of Fibers – it was so much fun!

I’ve gotten some good feedback on cameras… still mulling it over.

Little knitting has been done lately – I have to double check my guage on the x-back tank (I think I’ll do that at the North Haven Panera MeetUp on thursday). I’ve been busy thinking about an upcoming garden – good sites:
You Grow Girl, GrowGuide-Weekend Gardener,and CT-botanical society

And the back-tack matches have been made… I’m excited (both my matches are outside of the US)!! What to send….

5 thoughts on “Winner!

  1. woohoo, i always love the free stuff the best. Teacher appreciation day… we missed the memo on this side of the planet. Oh well. Enjoy the dinner.

  2. hey, congrads! 125 bucks can go far, enjoy it. i haven’t been able to get my son’s teacher a gift yet glad i read your blog i will pick up a good one tonight for her!

  3. Congrats on the gift certificate! Teachers are so underappreciated.It was nice meeting you at Panera the other night. Hope to see you again soon. :)Jessicahttp://zarzuela.blogspot.com

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