
Coming Down with Something

Ick. That’s all there is to say – it’s either seasonal allergies or a cold from somewhere. Go white blood cells, Go! At this point my attendance at SnB’s this week (spontaneous in the shoreline or up in North Haven) are dependent on how this moves and develops.

What’s the deal with sending photos from your phone to bloggers new address? I tried and think I was successful in sending the emails, but how long is the turn around time?

Wow – I’ve been tagged (This is the first time, thanks Sami) I’m looking forward to doing a lot more reading once school gets out…

Total number of books in my house: Oh good God. I’m “inbetween” houses now, but there are easily 100 in this apartment. Several library books. There are probably 150 – 200 or so more at my parent’s house. And I know I have dropped about 12 or so at our new house. I love books.

The last book I bought was: bookbookbook (a.k.a. At Knit’s End)

Five books I often read or that mean a lot to me:
Silent Spring
The Diary of Anne Frank
Candy and Me a Love Story
Charlotte’s Web
Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

That was really hard! I immediately thought of dozens of books – they all mean something to me at some point, if they don’t I do not finish them or I skip ahead. I will read often anything by Laurie Notaro or Jen Weiner. I treasure reading the Ramona Quimby books, the Judy Blume books and Laura Ingalls. I will always read Gary Larson (There’s a Hair in my dirt) and Bill Watterson. I loved Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The knitting books are read often. I enjoy Chuck Pahaluniuk’s work. Agatha Christie. Cookbooks are fun. Gardening books are what I’m into now…

Who I’m passing this on to and why: Heide, my sp4, “For the Love of Fibers” and Kirstie – All because I’m curious :^)

5 thoughts on “Coming Down with Something

  1. You tagged me!!! Yay!I’m sorry you’re feeling so sick. I thought I was having abd sinus problems and then found out that I’m actually having migraines! Fabulous. The weather change is really messing with me and making me feel very ill. I feel your pain, sister! I hope you start feeling better soon!Looking forward to hearing all about your house!heide

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