
100 Things About Me

I’ve decided that while you all patiently wait for my next knitting post I would work on one of those “100 Things About Me” list. I think I can come up with that.

1. My name is Becca.

2. I’m left-handed.

3. I cut right-handed though.

4. I’ve always been crafty.

5. I doodle more than I draw, but I enjoy it all the same.

6. Beading used to be my crafty outlet, but knitting has totally consumed me.

7. I taught myself how to knit left-handed.

8. My first project was an afghan – Red Heart Maroon.

9. I now hate Red Heart’s Maroon colored yarn.

10. I am a science nerd.

11. My academic background is in environmental chemistry.

12. I was supposed to be an environmental chemist.

13. I even went to grad school for my masters in environmental chemistry.

14. Grad school completely burnt me out.

15. I became a science teacher.

16. I teach science to 5, 6, 7, and 8th graders.

17. I am having a lot of fun being a teacher.

18. I like being in charge.

19. It appeals to my bossy side.

20. I have a rather large frog collection.

21. I adore the rainforest poison dart frogs the most.

22. I think the muppets are hysterical.

23. Favorite muppets include: Kermit, Pepe, Beaker & Bunsen, and the Electric Mayhem Band members.

24. My favorite actor is John Cusack.

25. I will also see just about anything with Brad Pitt, Ed Norton or Heath Ledger.

26. My favorite movie is “Singin’ in the Rain.”

27. I did tech crew in high school and college theatre.

28. I was a costume wench, and eventually the costume Goddess.

29. I did very little acting, but when I did I was good!

30. I have 2 younger brothers.

31. They also did theatre, but more performance than crew.

32. I love watching “I Love Lucy” reruns.

33. I can’t get enough of “Gilmore Girls”.

34. I enjoy watching Survivor and The Apprentice.

35. My favorite food is mashed potatoes.

36. I have a massive sweet tooth.

37. For me sweets / candy = high-octance sugar stuff (jelly beans, mike and ikes, jolly ranchers, smarties) – not chocolate.

38. I do love chocolate too!

39. The book “Candy & Me: A Love Story” means a lot to me!

40. My favorite author is Jennifer Weiner (Little Earthquakes, Good in Bed, In Her Shoes)

41. I dabble in photography.

42. I have a 35mm automatic camera, an SLR camera (my baby), an I-Zone camera, and a 600-speed polaroid.

43. There is also a camera feature on my pda.

44. I have been using a computer since I was 5 years old.

45. Some days I wonder if I should have studied computer science / web design.

46. In graduate school I used an electron microscope to photograph pollen and dirt particles on the surface of oak leaves.

47. I’m getting married on November 26, 2004.

48. My fiance and I have been dating since the end of high school (Class of 1996)

49. I don’t have any pets, yet, at home.

50. I do have a pet in my classroom.

51. It’s a betta fish, and he is named Louis (after L. Pasteur)

52. I love all kinds of music.

53. I love going to concerts.

54. Top favorites musically: Barenaked Ladies, Dave Matthews Band, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Indigo Girls, and Tori Amos.

55. I do love oldies, classic rock, hip-hop, classical, acapella, alternative and dance.

56. I absolutely adore 80s retro music.

57. I am pretty good when it comes to trivia.

58. I am a fierce competitor.

59. Dan (my fiance) and I keep track of who wins Trivial Pursuit each time we play.

60. I love board games.

61. I love stickers.

62. I love snail mail.

63. The world needs more snail mail (excluding the bills)

64. I occasionally work part time in a small invitation / gift store in town. (On and Off since 1997)

65. They enabled my sticker and stationery collection to spiral wildly out of control.

66. I am a magazine whore – I love those slick glossy pages.

67. I even enjoy the alternative reads of Bitch once in a while.

68. My heroes include Rachel Carson and my grandparents.

69. After a discussion with my eighth graders I have also come to the conclusion that Einstein is my homeboy.

70. I have a hard time making decisions.

71. I require coffee on a daily basis.

72. In the evenings I am a tea drinker.

73. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be fruit salad.

74. I have been to London and look forward to when I can return.

75. I love going to the movies.

76. I drive a Ford Focus.

77. I love Hello Kitty.

78. My favorite colors are in the blue-green-purple hues.

#79 – #100 to be finished later….

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