
Blizzard Beginnings

The “Winter Wallop” is coming apparently. According to the weatherbug on the computer it suggested that precautions to protect life and property be taken by noon today. Gee, it is new england. It does snow here in the winter. We have had blizzards before. I’m actually looking forward to it – I’m lucky, the apartment where I live is within walking distance of a supermarket, we don’t have to shovel the driveway and we’re on a major road. My father-in-law just brought us shovels though in case we have to dig around the cars – the parking lot gets plowed but that’s all. I should be working on my lesson plans right now. I’m already hoping that the buses will be buried on Monday and that school will be cancelled – or at least delayed 🙂

I finished Dan’s fuzzy feet today, now I have to toss them in the washer. I would have finished them last night, but I didn’t realize until thursday evening that I didn’t pay attention at the Stitch-n-Bitch gathering on Monday and completely missed the gusset decrease after the heel turn. GROAN. Stupid mistake, but luckily these are a quick knit.

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