A little bit of everything.

Things are good in this little nutshell – busy, but good. On Sunday, I went up to Peacefulknitter’s for a knitting potluck party. She is truly a “hostess with the mostess” – there was so much delicious food, lots of knitting, a yarn swap, yarn games and a yarn swap! Obviously there was a lot of thought put into this event and I think it was a huge success! One of my favorite parts of the day was meeting Emilee – when she walked into the room and saw me she exclaimed, “Nutmegknitter!” – and I exclaimed right back “Emilee!” 🙂 Good times! I really enjoyed the chance to spend more knitting time with the usual gals from the Thursday night SnB and the other knitters that I know only online or through the occasional drop-in to a different SnB. (Jennsquared got some great photos!)

I won a really cute “Sheep Scarf” kit in the raffle and swapped some yarn for some purple Cascade Pima Tencel – I have a little bit of grey and white in my stash already, maybe I can do a stripey hat or top for Lorelai.
Sheep Scarf raffle prize Cascade Pima Tencel

Sunday, being February 1st, marks the start of the 2009 LimeNViolet Sock Marathon – my goal is to knit 2 miles of sock yarn. On Saturday I started to practice with some worsted weight yarn and my “2 Socks on one circular” book – I had the lightbulb go off that, duh, that’s Magic Loop! So, my first project in the “marathon” is a pair of iPhone Mitts for me. I’m using my “Bekka” yarn from Ruby Sapphire. I wasn’t won over at first, but I stuck with it and am quite impressed by the fact that this actually works. Now I am interested in magic looping everything.
1st Magic Loop project
(the blue isn’t quite that bright…)

We went over to my in-laws for the Super Bowl (Love the Doritos / Crystal Ball commercial the best) and there was a special presentation at half-time. I won the Pigskin Pool I was in with my husband, father-in-law and brother-in-law. In the past the winner gets bragging rights – this year is different. I won (!!!) (and was in first place for several weeks in a row) – they got me a trophy. I have a football trophy! How awesome is that? I learned the game when I married Dan, and I try to keep up, and next fall I’ll be starting all over again (still can’t tell you what a safety is, or a flea-flicker and once everyone gets on their new teams I’ll be lost again) – but still, I have a football trophy 🙂
My football trophy! go me!
(My team, the Fighting Dachshunds! Last year it was Rosie Grier Knits Too.)

I’m on the button band on my Central Park Hoodie! The hood was finished last night, and I’m really trying hard to get the rest of it done before I get sucked back into sock knitting again. So close!

Other knitting news I also turned several mini-skeins from j-knits.com into swatches.
MiniSkein MiniPyramid jknits swatches

Yeah, busy, but good.

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