Bleh. Frustrating FO

First off, the Finished Object. I knit up the Malagaiter from I used Malabrigo and knit the larger size thinking everthing would be grand – and perfect for the upcoming winter that seems to have finally come to CT. Actually, it seems to have come everywhere BUT my town. Cities that don’t get snow / ice usually are walloped and we get rain. Yuck…praying for a snow day tomorrow, but a delay would be nice too. Anyway. I seamed it up and pulled it on my head. And pulled. And pulled. I couldn’t get the thing on my head! So, in times like these you find a suitable recipient. Given that it’s just me, Dan and the dog, guess who got it?

Jackson is a wonderful sport. It also can be worn Survivor Buff style

I’ve decided that since the stuff I’ve knit ends up on the dog anyway, I’ll try and knit him a sweater. Maybe it’ll fit me when I am done. I really like a few patterns I’ve seen in this japanese knitting book so now I’m on the hunt for online translations / charts / tips…

Today was a stinky day at work (it’s no fun to have middle schoolers yell at you and lie right to your face). So on my way home I treated myself to a Cinnamon Dolce Frappacino – ignore the nutritional information as that takes all the fun out of it. It was tasty.

Think snow. think snow. think snow.

4 thoughts on “Bleh. Frustrating FO

  1. Ugh, it is so strange to live in Connecticut and not see snow! I’m pulling for snow too. Where in the state are you? Sorry about the gaiter, I hope your pup enjoys it.

  2. I hope you guys get some snow soon. I really wish we could get it down here in Georgia. Jackson looks very handsome in the ‘gaiter. I knit one of them for a little girl and she loves it. I have a son that just went into 9th grade this year. Middle school was the hardest years we’ve had. You are a saint for dealing with the crap those tweens can dish out! I have a lot of admiration for teachers, especially middle school teachers.

  3. We have been pretty much snow free here in MN, too. Sorry about the malagaiter, maybe gauge? If you want to email me on this, perhaps I can help. I just hate to see malabrigo go to the dogs……

  4. Doxie sweaters. I love knitting them but doxies are unique in there shape and most commercial patterns need to be modified in some way to fit a mini doxie body. Hopefully by this weekend I will have a pattern up and some hints.

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