

Suz was so sweet to make me a banner – I love it so much! So I’ve been futzing with my layout so that the banner will look super! Plus it’s always good to shake things up. When I did that though, somehow I have lost my comments (which I think were through haloscan), the type size on the sidebar of my blogroll links is too big, I’ve also misplaced my stickerplanet link and blogpatrol and truefresco things. Not anything urgent, but certainly annoying. If anyone cares to drop a comment I can be reached at
beccau AT care2 DOT com
for the time being.

Over the weekend we had our first dinner party for our parents – we had mine over saturday for dinner. Everything went pretty smooth. I think my dad was beaming, it was funny – like he was sitting back and enjoying the current generation put on the show (actually it was a lot like grampa, he would do the same thing when the family was all together) And I pleased my mom by finally setting the table right (I used the picture in the cookbook)

Sunday we went into New York to see the Gates. They were odd. Interesting. Amusing. It was really neat to see and walk among them, I’m glad we went – we also used it as an excuse to meet up with several friends from high school.

We came back to wet snow (haven’t had any of that yet this year) and slept in way late yesterday. Did nothing for most of the day. At night I went out to the stitch-n-bitch – i liked the paperback cafe in saybrook – cute place, quiet, decent food. I forgot the second page of the Hallowig pattern, and the penguin to show and the slippers. I guess it wasn’t my night. I did finish a scarf, so that’s a plus.

Today I’m off to stay with my Nana – I’m not sure what we’ll do (although it’s so cold!!) but I’m looking forward to seeing her and giving her some company. I’m also planning to swing by PC to get a new t-shirt and a yarn store also in providence. I’m hunting for black yarn and small circular needles to make the wrist warmers in the Last Minute book.

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