
ipod, i blog

Will it ever charge?

That’s Patrick next to my early birthday present – a very slick electric blue ipod mini! It’s very cool, although it seemed to take forever to charge up! Anyway, today we’re fully functioning! We’ve also got an iStation so I can have music in my craftroom or whereever I may be.

Knit wise, I’ve tossed aside the sleeve for the Rebecca wrap that I was working on (mistakes and all) and started the sleeve over. I’ve got to make this one work because I’m out of balls of yarn – the others have pieces waiting to be frogged before that yarn can be used!! So it goes.

Nana news: she’s back in the hospital. She was feeling uncomfortable, so she called the doc and went in to have more fluid drained. Big operation next week, followed by chemo. It’s looking like it is ovarian cancer. bugger.

2 thoughts on “ipod, i blog

  1. Happy Birthday – whenever it is/was… I am not always so sharp about these things. Tell Nana I am rootin for her, I hope she’s ok.

  2. Nice mini! Josh gave me an iPod as a wedding gift, and I love it.Very sorry about your grandmother’s continuing health struggle.

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