

When do kids get into “naming” things? The Lorax has a stuffed dalmation that she carries with her just about everywhere – his name is Puppy. She recently has rediscovered a Cabbage Patch Doll that is interactive. She keeps referring to the doll as “Girl” – we were trying to offer her suggestions and while she says “No” to each one, it’s looking like “Patella” might stick.

This morning I was talking with hubs about doll names and I brought up the Ramona books – she had a doll named Chevrolet. I read all of those books many times over and still thinking about Ramona and Beezus gives me a chuckle. Did you know there is a movie coming out this year? I read in the paper that the director brought her 4th grade book report of “Beezus & Ramona” to the meeting with Beverly Cleary to show how much of a fan she is and will remain true to the books. Awesome.

And then, while checking blogs just now I see a post from flintknits.com – you know, the gal behind February Lady Sweater, Willie and the Wurstwarmer – she’s got a new pattern, named in honor of another one of Ramona’s pals, Ella Funt!!! So so cute!
(and I love when the universe shakes things together like that!!)

3 thoughts on “Nicknames

  1. My 4yo still calls most of her stuffed animals by what they are, sometimes adding a "y" on the end for effect ("snakey" is her current favorite). When she was 2 we did press her to name her doll and she named it Baby Cinnamon. So, we've got Baby Cinnamon, koala, puffin, doggie and snakey around here!

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