
Pals, Knits And Other

For My Secret Pal –

Thank you thank you thank you thank you and thank you for the package you sent! I adore the yarn (I’m thinking I’ll make a felted bag…) and the Mike & Ike’s were eaten promptly!! THe sticky notes are perfect for school – and wouldn’t you know I’ve just made my way through a large pile of papers and I need to sticker them! And tose sock pointer-covers – I have picked those up SO SO SO many times in the stores 🙂 What a wonderful pal I have!!

(I need to get my next package out to my secret pal…this week!)

Last weekend during football I made myself work on the Broad Street Mitten (yes, made – if only all of lifes challenges were this hard). So far I think I’m figuring out the extra stitches okay. The cuff is done, the first 4 rows are done, and now I’m doing the increases. Thank goodness for football – I can knit while the fiance watches and we’re still spending time together 🙂

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