
Snow Day = Possibilities

Knitting things: My last finished object of 2004, my first finished object of 2005: a pair of socks! My poor quality camera (on my ViewSonic Pocket PC) is not getting a good picture of them, it’s just too dark today and the battery is still charging up, so I can’t really move it. Anyway, the socks were made on two circs with Plymouth Sockotta yarn – I still have what seems like a lot left over. I am really pleased with them – there are perfect for me 🙂

Random work related school bits: the fastest way to get 16 seventh-grader’s attention is to drop the word “smart-ass” (it was an accident I swear! I was carried away by the dramatization of the proton/neutron/electron drama!). We had an early dismissal yesterday so I went shopping at Target. No school today because of the storm!

So, what would I like to accomplish today, keeping in mind that I’ve already started frittering the day away sipping cider and blog surfing?

1. Sign up for SP4.

2. Add the button for Knit One, Read Too.

(I borrowed the book from the library but I think I may be better off starting next month…)

3. Add the button for Knitlette’s Yarn Charity 2005 – I really dig this idea. I want to make donations to tsunami relief, big brothers / big sisters, my friend’s Avon walk for Breast Cancer among others.

4. Organize my stash – what do I have, really? Can I assign yarn to projects and get cracking?

5. Work out. Bought a new 10-minute pilates DVD last night – you can create your own workout!

6. Lesson Plans – for next week, so I won’t have to do them on Sunday. But notice, it’s at the bottom of my list. 🙂

7. Figure out where in the world that adhearus thing came from and how to get rid of it!

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