
Sock Love

I have not one, but two pairs of finished socks to share! The first, RH’s Toasty Toes have been on the needles for a while. I started these with the intention of giving them to Dan but have decided to keep them. I really love them, they are super warm and cozy and I know I will wear them a lot. Knitting Weekend Wool on US3s makes for a pretty dense material, but it’s still got some squish to it.  I think this may be the last time I knit socks one at a time – one sock is slightly shorter than the other in the foot.  No one will ever know, and it won’t keep me from wearing them, but I can feel a difference on my foot. I also missed making the heel a different color. Oops!

The next pair of socks were knit two-at-a-time, top down in Twisted Limone “Over the Rainbow” – my first self-striping yarn. I used the Vanilla Latte pattern and any mistakes you might spot in the pattern are my own in not paying attention. I started these in September and kept them in the car for knitting while waiting to pick up kids from school or at swim lessons. Once I was on the foot and the toe decreases were in sight I brought them in the house for knitting when I needed a plain project. I am already thinking about my next pair of stripey socks! I plan on using the Fish Lips Kiss Heel – I bought the pattern (only $1 – you get a lot of info!) and have been reading and making measurements; it seems pretty brilliant.

Did I tell you about the other current sock-in-progress? I’m working on a pair of socks for Dan, the Simple Skyp Socks using Bugga!, and they are just heavenly to work with.  The first sock is ready for a heel turn, so I’m considering starting the second sock now, working both through the heel turns then doing the feet two-at-a-time. I will use this pattern again – it’s relaxing and easy but gives a neat texture.  I have many variegated colorways in the stash that I think would look really fun.

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