
Somebody will wear my handknits!

Almost by surprise, the weather has turned windy and cool – very fall like, and we knew (and hoped) it was coming, but somehow it is a shock to the system. The heat is on and I have been pulling out my handknits to wear – I love to layer with the scarves and shawls-as-scarves. I’ve posted many times about how the Lorax absolutely refuses to wear pretty much anything I knit for her, so my most recent knitting accomplishment has been for Jackson. I usually pop his cowl on him, but figured it was time to make him something new. Behold, the Wurstwarmer!
Camera Shy
Someone is camera shy, or possible just ticked off. I used Sirdar Snuggly DK for most of the sweater – it was less than a full ball, when it was used up the last two inches or so are knit with Berroco Comfort DK. Both machine washable acrylic blends.

This is a great pattern. Obviously, the designer totally *gets* dachshunds and what odd little creatures they can be. I really appreciate how the pattern guided me through several measurements and then options as well relating to peculiarities of your dog: male / female, harness opening, to cover their little bum or not. This sweater stays on him pretty well – he was able to step out of it after doing a “squirrel” trick – his little legs fold up and then they are tucked into the sweater. If I knit this again, actual sleeves may help (a pattern option I opted out of) or casting off / on fewer stitches for the armhole opening.

The Lorax was helping me get Jackson to do his “squirrel” trick to take the photo. She is finally taller than the dog! Also, the Tinkerbell pajamas? A gift that her daddy picked up for her when they went out to the store while I was at Rhinebeck.

Dachshund sweater
Stay warm little doggie. And learn to love the handknits – I will be making this again!

2 thoughts on “Somebody will wear my handknits!

  1. Dear Jackson,Our mommy reads your mommy's blog and she thinks that you're such a good sport when you pose for pictures with the Lorax and all her handknits.She's made the two of us sweaters but we've managed to somehow make them disappear. (Hehehe) Mommy puts a white sweater on my sister, Lourdes, that makes her look very preppy with a striped scarf. Please don't ever tell her I said this, 'cause I would say that you are sooo lying but…I really like when she puts my "Santa's Little Helper" t-shirt on me.Oh crap! Here she comes. Gotta go!Rion and Lourdes

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