
July 2

I missed Canada Day - I'm an American, but that's really no excuse. Especially when my favorite music group is Barenaked Ladies - God Bless Canada for that :^) And then, I read Miss Harlot's post and was going to be nerdy and point her to Canada's Science side but saw she had 257 comments!… Continue reading July 2



cue the music - I'm officially on vacation! I feel a little goofy,like this(found on cuteoverload.com) Thankfully I did recover from my sinus "thing" - majorly annoying. I have done very little crafting and need to catch up! I finished one thing but can't post it because it's a surprise for the recipient. I'll post… Continue reading Catch-up



THe weather has finally turned so nice! I'm trying to maximize my time outside and in the garden. Also, we've got company coming over on Monday. Shocking, but for today weeding and seeding and composting takes priority over knitting. Momentarily. There may be knitting podcasts listened to during the outdoor work, but I really enjoy… Continue reading Preview