morning coffee · WIPs

WIP Wednesday – Ombre Coffee

photo.JPGI’ve been really pushing myself on my Morning Coffee sweater. I would like to be able to wear it a few times before fall! The body needs one more inch or so and then several inches of ribbing. I should be able to start the sleeves next week! Except for the first skein which was used to knit most of the yoke, I have been alternating skeins. You can see there is a slight ombre effect going on here, but I’m ok with it. I have added what feels like 2398754 more things to my mental queue – the beginning of the month is always like that, but this month we have the added excitement of my baby (19 months now!) being awake a lot more when I need to get work done! Also, I am going to be an aunt this summer! My niece is due to arrive in August sometime! I am very excited and I’ve coordinated with my SIL (who is not just a knitter but the daughter of a knitter too) with special-request items.  Lucky for my blog readers, I am sure to have multiple projects going so I won’t have to just show teaser pictures between now and then!

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