
Fiber Friday

Over the last few weeks I have been trying something new, spinning cotton! I have shared my experience as a newbie spinner over at the Cotton Clouds blog. I am proud and pleased of my initial efforts, and hope to get a bit more practice in! I am impressed by what that little tahkli spindle can do – that’s a sample of my work so far, on top of my 1 inch gauge square! So wee!! Cotton spins very very fine – I’ve never been able to get wool that thin. I am encouraged to continue on and will likely try with the wool again too.

I know it’s been quiet here on the blog, we’re just shifting into a new schedule and set of routines as our old ones wind down and school ends for the year. I have drafted several posts but just didn’t get the photos done or the projects together. Believe me, I am still knitting, crocheting, working on samples, and stashing! It’s building up fodder for a backlog of posts I should be able to unleash in the next few weeks!


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