Keep the Calm

imageWhat a wonderful weekend! My closest friends planned a surprise lakeside getaway for my birthday – no kids, no husbands, just the girls. There was good food: homemade lasagna, homemade rhubarb cake, homemade banana bread, homemade granola, cheese & crackers & olives & tapanade, a candy assortment, NYC cheesecake, and my first ever macarons! We enjoyed plenty of wine and beer and coffee.  Plus good company and interesting conversation. It was so so so great. I’ve known these gals from high school and we have seen each other through a lot.

imageWe spent 99% of our time up there on that porch.  The weather was perfect and I loved just sitting there and knitting. I brought 2 projects, but only worked on one, my socks for Camp Loopy. Stockinette stitch socks are ideal for working on while having a conversation (and more than a few drinks). I appreciated the natural light to work on these, because the stitches are hard to see in the black stripes! I had finished the toe and maybe 2 stripes on each foot before this weekend. While I was there I finished the foot, turned the heel Fish Lips Kiss style, and started on the leg. I should be able to finish them this week!

And now, it’s back to our almost usual routines. The school year is just about over, so the schedules are a bit borked. And then we have to adjust to the summer schedule / routine.  I am trying to keep my grasp on the calm achieved over the weekend!

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