
Around the House Meme

PeacefulKnitter posted an “Around the House” photo meme on her blog and I’ve decided to play along, as my knitting right now is not ready for prime time as they say.

So, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…just copy the list, take a stroll through your house one day, and post on your blog. Because we all like to see how other people live, right?!

Here are the categories for the Around the House meme:

* In the kitchen
* On the nightstand
* In your work/craft space
* Out the window
* What the pets or children are up to
* On your feet
* Knitting or knitwear in action

(My photos come from the iphone over the course of the New Year Weekend)

Around the house meme
Around the house meme
Around the house meme
Around the House meme
Around the house meme
Around the house meme
Handknit hat and mitts

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