sampleknit · WIPs

At the end

Hello Monday! We’re still in vacation mode (minus a dentist appointment later today). This is a highly enjoyable change of pace. I think the kids have settled in to the “at home” routine, and calmed down a bit from the excitement of last week. Over the weekend I caught up on a few podcasts and just sat and knit. I’m working on a sample scarf that is knit in a laceweight mohair / silk. It’s lovely, and will be gorgeous when it is finished. Working on this has confirmed for me that I do not like laceweight – I feel like I’m knitting with dust bunnies! I made decent progress (maybe 8 or 10 inches?) and then last night when I was trying to get to the end of the row (only 32 stitches!) a stitch slipped and then another and another. And then came a bunch of muttering as I tried to recover the yarn overs in the proper spot. That’s when you know it’s a good time to just stop.

We’re looking at the end of 2013. The days were long but the year is short, as always. We dealt with major health issues among family members, we enjoyed a lot of family time together, and through it all I knit. When I have everything logged into, it shows me I knit 4.93 miles of yarn and I crocheted 1.87 miles of yarn. Not too bad and maybe I’m not such a newbie crocheter anymore!

I didn’t do so great at following my resolutions or intentions this year. I didn’t do as many sample knits as I wanted, I didn’t read as many books as I wanted, I certainly fell down on the charity knitting, I increased my stash and increased my Ravelry queue. I did get back into podcasts – I particularly enjoy watching video podcasts. My intentions for 2014 are still formulating – I’ll be sharing them on December 31.

2 thoughts on “At the end

    1. I should do a post about this! Lately I’ve been watching Stockinette Zombies, Stitch Addiction, Knot a Podcast, Knit 1 Heart 2, The Knit Girllls, Bunniphish Podcast, Sassypantsknitter. I’m finding I’d rather watch a video podcast than just listen to an audio one – it feels like I’m at a knitting group 🙂

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