
Look at what I’ve done!

I’m still a bit obsessed and scattered over the same projects as the last post, but I’ve got some photos and updates, yay!
First, those pretzels? A bit of work, but in the end, totally worth it.
To improve on them they need more salt – I salted them, but didn’t press the salt down into the dough.

I can finally post a photo of my square contribution to the lap blanket our SnB made for a fellow member. Wife, Mom, Knitter has a great blog post that better describes the project.
I searched on Ravelry for “boobs dishcloth” and found the Nubbins for Ta Tas pattern, perfect!

I finished up a few baby gifts this week. Our friends who were married down in Virgin Gorda had a baby girl a few weeks ago. Seahorses were a theme at the parent’s wedding, so that seemed like a good idea to work with for the baby.
Calla's Seahorse
Seahorse pattern by Hansi Singh – so cute! I used cotton so baby Calla can gum on it when she’s ready. I also attached the tail to the back of the seahorse to make a little loop, but then I forgot about the back fin, so instead I put it on the head of the seahorse, like a crown.
Calla's Seahorse

I also whipped up a little Heart Hat using the same purple and pink yarn. I adore Susan B. Anderson’s work – I have all of her books – but no surprise, this hat was also a little fiddly in the end to attach the heart. I hope it fits!
Hat for Calla
Hat for Calla

I’ve got a few more crafty plans to attack today. It’s a grey, rainy day – good for new projects and knitting. I’ve got photos to frame, knitting, knitting, knitting, and I think I’ll be attempting to sew and a Betz White project. Good stuff.

My mom brought the Lorax a new raincoat and pair of puddle boots – this morning she was very excited to try them out and it was hard to get her back in the house! There’s rain forecast for the next few days, so I’m sure we’ll be out there frequently.
New Raincoat

My new favorite photo:
New Raincoat

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