
Monday Listicle: TV Shows

Hello Monday. It was a good weekend, a busy weekend. Today is the first Monday of summer vacation and my husband is working from home and it is just a bit nuts around here. The photo of the koosh ball in the sink? Yeah, I had to grab that out of the toilet after my son tossed it in. At least he didn’t flush.  Sigh. I really would love to spend a day just lounging, knitting, stitching and rewatching some of these shows!

10 6 Shows that were Cancelled Too Soon!

1. Joan of Arcadia

2. Pushing Daisies

3. Southland (this is a stretch – it was cancelled / not picked up by NBC then TNT grabbed it so it is back on the air)

4. Veronica Mars

5. Arrested Development (though I have to say, I’m not impressed with the Netflix-only new season – watched one episode and I don’t think I’ll watch the rest.)

6. My So-Called Life

And that’s all I could think of! The other shows that come up (Freaks & Geeks for example) I didn’t watch, so it feels like cheating to put them here. I suppose a short list is all I can do given how much I enjoy watching bad reality shows – it doesn’t matter if they don’t come back!

5 thoughts on “Monday Listicle: TV Shows

  1. LOVED Joan of Arcadia. Left it off my list because I tried to stick to one season or less. But I’ve gotten the disks from netflix more than once to watch! 🙂

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