Must Knit In Color – Complete!

Binding off a project is quite satisfying. Especially for a project that requires not much else post-bind-off except for weaving in a few ends, maybe a bit of steam to block it flat. I finished my “Must.Knit.In.Color.” scarf this week – after a rather frustrating day and then frustrating knitting session. Each row is quite long, and I could see the end of the yarn! I had just enough to do the bind off row and then decided to double check the pattern. Why then? I have no idea. I went a row to far, so if a fit of wanting it done right, I undid that extra row. For the record, undoing a 400+ stitch row of linen stitch takes a lot longer than knitting linen stitch. Anyway, it is done now and done correctly. It still could use a quick pass under an iron, but I may skip that part for now, because I am looking forward to wearing this scarf.
(Jackson can model for now. He owes me.)
As I have mentioned before linen stitch or woven stitch is great for these wild-colored yarns. Both sides look good, and as you knit the yarn up it is a mystery as to how the color will play with the color and stitches nearby. I had thought about alternating with some grey wool, just to make it bigger, but I am glad that I let this yarn do its own thing. If you need further inspiration check out the project gallery on Ravelry for the Scrappy Lengthwise Scarf – this is a great pattern for scraps too! I would love to work one in sock yarn leftovers, or even a Hope-and-Donald-2.0.

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