hexiflats · sample knitting · WIPs

Olympic Trials

(Psst! There is still time to enter the giveaway for a copy of the Cast On, Cast Off book – click here and leave a comment!)

The Olympics are coming. I have no idea who any of the athletes are, but I am looking forward to watching some of the sporting events and I hope that some events are shown during the day (not just prime time) so that I can share them with the Lorax as well.  She is a gymnastics fan and I think she might get a kick out of it. The Ravellenic Games are also gearing up. I am anticipating being on a few teams and participating in a few events. Here’s what I am thinking will be making the cut as part of my projects this year.

I have a set of minis from a swap on Ravelry, under the theme of “Muppets vs Sesame Street”. When I first received my swap package I knew I wanted to work them up all at once as a group. My beekeeper quilt project needs an injection of good mojo and this seems like a good idea.  So, 19 minis to be turned into hexiflats for the “Modular Relay”.

Sample in progress
I was considering challenging myself to knit a sweater for the Lorax (Sundog, which I have the yarn and pattern for and have thought about making for her since it was published). However, the girl does not wear sweaters.  Handmade or storebought, it makes no difference.  Instead, I am working on a sample for Good Karma Farm (isn’t it pretty? I love this yarn and pattern, Charleston Tea by BabyCocktails) and a new sample for Plymouth, so those would be great to get done for “WIP Wrestling” and “Sweater Triathalon” respectively.

That is probably enough, but I am still considering “Charity Rowing” and making some items for PatPatsHats, the “Hat Dash” for my own super-special Rhinebeck Hat, more “WIP Wrestling” for Dan’s socks and my current cowl-in-progress.  I am sure I could find a few items for “Frogging Trampoline” and “Cast On Mania Trap Shoot” (start a project, work a third of it, start the next project) just sounds like fun.  Dangerous fun.

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