sock · WIPs

Personal Sock Club

Once I gained a bit of confidence in my knitting, I tried socks. I can remember sitting in my bedroom surrounded by printouts from the internet of how to knit a sock on double points.  I held those pointy tips so close to my eyes I am pretty lucky I didn’t hurt myself when I sneezed. (Like I did that time in Bio lab in college, I didn’t move far enough away from the microscope before sneezing and totally whacked my head on the eyepiece. #sciencemajorsproblems) Anyway. I moved from dpns to two circular needles (thank you Cat Bordhi. It was such a treat to talk with her at the knitting retreat back in 2010.) to eventually magic loop. There is something special about sock yarn, you can indulge in one skein and have enough for your project. A good portion of my stash is sock yarns. I even have a decent sock drawer. In 2014, I am hoping to keep the sock mojo going by participating in a personal sock club, inspired by the Stitch Addiction podcast. The idea is that on the first of each month, I will randomly pick a yarn (the Lorax will help me bag them) and use that yarn for socks that month. Ideally I would love to get 12 new pairs of socks out of this experiment, but I’m not sure that will really happen. I knit 4 pairs of socks this year, so maybe a good goal would be 6 pairs?  Some of this is deep stash, the self-striping ones are all recently acquired, and I have 2 socks that need a mate.

Here’s what I’ll be drawing from:

*left-to-right* Yarntini “Wonderfully Super”, Rainy Days & Wooly Dogs Henbane “Sailor Pluto”, Dyelectable Yarns “Peeps!”, Trailing Clouds “Primary:Secondary”, Scout’s Swag “B-Marie”, String Theory Colorworks “Ultra Violet Catastrophe” and Turtlepurl Yarns Blue Turtle Socks “Always Greener…”

left-to-right Tofutsies Tidal Wave Socks (needs a mate), Wool Dispensary Useful Poison “13th Fairy”, Canon Hand Dyes “See How I Am Bewitched”, Green Mountain Spinnery Sock Art Meadow, and Dan’s Socks which need a mate and didn’t really fit my husband (Dan) to begin with, but I’m pretty sure I can redo the toe and figure it out so he can get a new pair of socks as well. I am a bad raveler I never added the yarn name, I have no idea what these were! Or what pattern I used!

And here’s what came out of the bag on January 1, a skein of Green Mountain Spinnery Sock Art – Meadow. This skein photographed purple in a quick camera shot, but it truly is blue.  I am not sure what pattern to use, so I won’t be casting on for a while. That is OK, as I have my Neon Macchiato socks on the needles that are ready for a heel turn. I would like to power through those a bit more (maybe finish them!)

2 thoughts on “Personal Sock Club

  1. Sock knitting is such a great thing! My favorite part is opening up my sock drawer in the morning and having all those pairs of gorgeous socks to choose from!

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