With a Side of Dinosaur, Always

This week I was shown an etsy listing of a mug cozy and asked if I could make something like that. Well sure! After a bit of back and forth to help narrow down the possibilities and a bit of stash diving I came up with this:

Leftover Tosh Chunky (not even 40 yards), a simple pattern of casting on 16, the k4,p4,k4,p4 for 6 rows then switching the knits and purls for the next 6 rows, on and on to the end. I hoped it wouldn’t be too big, but in the end it was well received and fit just right! Thankfully I remembered to take a photo before it was delivered to the recipient.

keep-calm-and-love-dinosaurs-75I have always thought dinosaurs were pretty cool. I wasn’t crazy obsessed with them or anything like that, but can I say how much fun it is having a son who is into dinosaurs? I think dinosaurs will always be popular, don’t you? I can only positively identify a handful of dinosaurs in the books and puzzles we have, but they are all pretty neat. I am finding that I might be obsessed with including them in my photos. Why not? We have them all over the house and they will stay still for a photo, unlike two little kids and a dachshund that I know. A silly prop sure, but it’s a more interesting photo than the first one I took:

Which kid toys are making their way into your FO photos?

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