
Snow “Event” 2010.

I have always enjoyed a good snow day. These days a snow day is not much of a disruption to my daily routine, or Lorelai’s. But there is something about snow, now matter if it’s a blizzard prediction or just a flurry that makes everyone a little giddy. I say, it’s New England. It’s supposed to snow. Yes, many of us are getting antsy for spring, but I’m ok with the snow – it’s been cold – and the snow makes it worthwhile. Mostly. Until you go out to shovel like I did this morning and holy chickens I think this would be categorized under “Heart Attack Snow” – it’s heavy – and though it is starting to melt, I had to remove my neckwarmer and jacket while shoveling I got so heated!

A snow day seemed like a great idea to give a new project a try. I needed my sewing machine to do something on a different project (knitting related, details / photos of that later) anyway, so I pulled out the machine and fabrics and ribbons and had fun!
Pile o'Taggies
Taggie Style Squares
These are roughly 6×6 inch taggie-style squares! I used two different flannels on each, the yellow flowers on one side, the baby print on the other, and an assortment of ribbons that I have had in the stash. AND, my most favorite part of all – they crinkle inside! I’m expecting to hear news of 4 babies arriving in the next 6 months, so I’ve got a head start on some of the gifts. These are so satisfying and they just made me giggle. I really want to make more of an effort to work with my sewing machine (and drawers full of fabric that I have – some with decent yardage, a whole lot of fat quarters) – I proved to myself that I can do it! Lorelai has been quite taken with them – she has taken one (the first one, not to be gifted as it was practice) and she has taken to call it a “cozy blanket”. So, the babies can drool and gum and play with the ribbons and hopefully rediscover it when they are 2. Speaking of the ribbons, I love playing with the macro setting on my camera –
Ribbon Close-Up
Ribbon Close-Up

Last night before we went to bed, this is what the outside looked like –
"February Fury"
This morning Lorelai and I went out for a bit and did some shoveling.
"February Fury"
Love how she fits in the tire track.

Back to the knitting. I am really hoping to finish up one gift that has been in the wings for EVER, I’ve got “Icing” to continue working on (I’m halfway done – now the decreases start!), 2 samples to start up and a sweater test knit to work on. And Dan’s socks. And the baby gifts 🙂 I like to be busy!

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