Socks and a Birthday

Sock set Socks forward

This may be the turning of the tide! I finished the socks for the Lorax this week. I held back from outright giving them to her mostly out of fear that she would balk at the idea, so I just left them on the table.  She found them and brought them over to me, “Here Mom, you forgot your socks!” I told her they aren’t mine, they are too small, they probably would fit her.  She sat right down and put them on right away. Then ran around the house and tested out how slippery they are on the floors. Score! They fit, they look cute, and she can put them on, and she seemed to like them. Now the test will be if she actually wears them. She did put them away in her sock drawer (“for winter” as she told her dad last night).

And this kid, my baby, is now 2!! Amazing. He’s my baby but changing so fast – he’s quite verbal and such a boy and so similar and so different from his sister.  A parenting email I got this week that discusses developmental stages and ages topics started with this, “Your Preschooler: 2 years old!” Wait, what? When did being 2 make you a preschooler? I thought I had a toddler for a bit longer.  He is headed off to a “school” program for 2 year olds in a few weeks, but c’mon – we all know it’s just in the middle of daycare and preschool. We’re doing a small family party this weekend – general trucks / construction trucks theme.  Should be a good time!


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