
SOLI – socks and water

In the last PhatFiber box I got a sample from Cupcake Factory. I found the group on Ravelry, and there was a request for test knitting a sock. This is the back story:
(Quoting Carissa)
“One of my friends, Ashley, is the founder and CEO of a non-profit: Streams of Life International…SOLI for short. SOLI brings hope to communities in Africa by partnering with community leaders to build wells and sanitation facilities, refurbish local hospitals and provide essential medical equipment, supplies and health education.

When she announced she was campaigning to raise the funds to put wells in 1000 communities in Africa this year, I wanted to get on board. Unfortunately I don’t have tons of cash. But what I do have is time and a specific skill set. I was trying to figure out how to use the resources I do have available to me to help….

So I’m cooking up some knitterly things, with proceeds going to SOLI. The first (of hopefully many) things I’ve been working on is a sock yarn line called “SOLI sock.” It’s a luxurious merino / silk blend. I chose it because the sheen the silk give to the yarn reminds me of a shimmering stream. The SOLI sock colourways are all aqua-inspired shades of blues and teals. I’ve also got a sock pattern that I’m cooking up using SOLI sock, where 100% of the proceeds will go to SOLI.”

Awesome, right? I’m test knitting the sock and I really like it so far. I’m using NeighborhoodFiberCo yarn, Watershed line, in Thomas Circle colorway. Seemed appropriate (I like matching up yarn with good names to projects – my Monkey socks were done in the “rainforest” colorway!).
Sock in progress - stretched
That’s the cuff and one lace repeat down, two more to go on the leg. The stitch marker is a wee little Woodstock I got as part of my “Woodstock” sock kit from last fall. I think it’s made by weeones on etsy.

I wanted to include the Indigo Girls cover of “River”, but can’t find that video on youtube. Instead I’ll leave you with another favorite cover – Dave Matthews cover of Lyle Lovett’s “If I Had a Boat” –

I’m going to see the Indigo Girls in Hartford this April – third time is the charm! Can’t wait!

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