hexiflats · hexipuffs

Spell it out

One of the Ravelry groups for yarn “minis” is having a contest for April. The challenge is to spell out something with your minis. I grabbed the stash of them and have two entries that I submitted. IMG_4585Stashbust This! Seriously now. Aren’t we all excited for the minis / hexiflats / hexipuffs / sock yarn blankets / whatever because it is supposed to use up all that leftover yarn? I have one of those extra large ziploc bags full of minis now. And I am not making them very quickly at the present (though I am thinking it might be a good project for the “Ravelympics”). It was fun to dig through them anyway. IMG_4584Hexipuff or Bust! Did I tell you I have decided to do flats instead of puffs? Yea, so I plan to go back to the 25 or so that are puff and pull out the stuffing with a crochet hook, so all is not lost there. After she helped me set these up, the Lorax wanted to know if I wanted her in the picture. So cheeky. Of course kid, get on in there. I think though it was just a way for her to get closer to the minis, especially some of the sparkly ones that caught her eye! I can’t seem to get it out of my head that I want a pair of handknit stripey sock, probably because I saw this:

Dude. Use the sock leftovers (or hexipuff leftovers) to make more socks! So stupidly brilliant. This could get me to actually do a mis-matchy pair. I mean, I love the idea of mis-matched socks, but it would bother me. On the whole I come across as a disorganized, clutter-loving person, but still. Like the opposites attract yarn from Barking Dogs – love the ideas, love the colors (especially Lucy & Desi!) but looking at the projects is just too much for me – I can not bring myself to wear one sock that is mostly orange-red and the other is mostly blue. But, random stripey ones might work. Again, possible project for Ravelympics.

One thought on “Spell it out

  1. Oh I feel so stupid. What are minis? Well, I mean, I guess I know what they are, but what does one use them for.I love your messages with them!

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