
This Moment – Family

Inspired by soulemama.com
{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

I have to add words to this. This week marks a major upheaval for my family – my baby brother is headed off on an adventure to Chile. He and his girlfriend (the cute kids in the lower right of the photo) are expected to be there for 2 years. I may not see or talk with my brother daily or weekly, but I am used to the idea that I could get into New York City to see him or pick up the phone and call, and I could count on seeing him at major holidays and other family gatherings throughout the year. But to not see him for two years?! He was “home” visiting family this week – I have seen my brother more in the last month and it has been really great. I will miss them terribly (and wish they would be around so my kids can see them!), but I am trying to look on the bright side of things and be thankful for that we can set up Skype at the holidays and keep track of their adventure on the blog.

What do you knit for people in Chile?

2 thoughts on “This Moment – Family

  1. My thoughts exactly! A sad week. BTW, I think you got the best shot of the bunch here — all of the ones on our camera have at least somebody with their eyes closed, if not several somebodies. Ah the joys of group pictures! Chile knitting: South America has some amazing knitting traditions because of all the alpaca farming (I'll show you the hat I got in Peru — oh and didn't we get the Lorax some crazy cardigan with animals on it?). So it could be a good excuse for us to learn more about Andean folk knitting — lots of pretty colors and patterns! Check out: http://www.amazon.com/Andean-Folk-Knits-Designs-Argentina/dp/157990582Xhttp://www.amazon.com/Inca-Knits-Marianne-Isager/dp/B005FOI4S6/ref=pd_sim_b3

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