hexipuffs · WIPs

While I wait

Trying to keep myself occupied and distracted (without being too grumpy or antsy) this week as I continue to play the waiting game with the lil’nutmeg and the hospital. Thank goodness for knitting! I’m still working away on the hexipuffs:

Hexipuffs in progress

And have also sent off a bunch of mini-skeins for a swap – I am really looking forward to getting the chance to try out some new yarns this way!

Over the weekend I finished the last of my WIPs! Well, the active more short-term ones – if you look at my Ravelry project page there are several WIPs, but most now are in hibernation. I am choosing to ignore the “Neon Nightmare” and the “Beekeeper’s Quilt” as those are truly long term projects, though they are active. This most recent WIP is a gift and has been shipped off to the recipient. Once I know it has been received then I’ll be able to blog about it.

This is a very strange feeling to have my needles “empty” for the most part – no deadline knitting (hoping to pick up testing / sample knitting again in September), a closet full of yarn, a ravelry queue that is ~30 pages (?!) – one could get lost in options and my decision making lately has already mostly fallen into the general “Meh, whatever” category. I did decide to go with another project that has been on my mind lately – Andrea’s Mitts. These slightly cooler days must have me thinking for fall, so I pulled out some Rhinebeck yarn ( silver Delly’s Delights Farm O-So-Soft) and a purple yarn which sadly lost it’s tag (I think I got it in a swap, can’t find it in the blog, phooey). These might end up a Christmas gift, or I might keep them, right now I’m 50/50.


I started yesterday and am increasing the thumb gusset now. I am surprised as how quick these are working up. So far so good I am enjoying them and I know I have plenty of yarn to make another pair after this if I am so inclined (grey + pink, maybe reversing the purple + grey combo too).

3 thoughts on “While I wait

  1. Very pretty! I've had my eye on the bee keeper's quilt too, but thinking of using the technique for chair cushions…Waiting is so very hard. PB was 10 days over due, and I was a mess! I hope you get to meet your little nutmeg sooner rather than later!

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