WIP Wednesday In the Trenches

June has rolled in and over me as life is busy with work catch-up and end of school year events (that seem to somehow go on and on for three weeks). Anyway, while there has not been much reading, there has been a bit of researching. I’ve been trying to find a good tutorial on seaming a sweater in reverse stockinette. This is the stitch pattern for my current sample knit. It is knit in pieces that I’ve been trying to put together over the last few days. Most blogs / videos reference mattress stitch to make it work, which is all fine and good except where you have raglan sleeves.  I sat and took it very slowly and I think it turned out ok. Of course I didn’t bother to try and video my attempts, but in the end, yeah, it’s mostly mattress stitch slightly fudged to try and get the reverse stockinette stitches to line up properly.
wipSo. I’ve been seaming and I have a pile of ends to weave in, the neckband / buttonband to work up as well. This project needs to get out of here!

UntitledMy Camp Loopy project is still in the garter stitch stage. I am so tempted to count the stitches after each row, as I stopped keeping track of which row I was on. There is still plenty more to go before I can start the edging.

2 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday In the Trenches

  1. Love the dinosaurs modelling for your pics lol. Don’t envy you all that seaming, I’m rubbish at it so tend to choose seamless knits instead :-S

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