yarn along

Yarn Along – August 8

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?~ {small things}


I received a copy of So Pretty! Crochet for a review and giveaway (keep an eye out next week!). It is lovely and the projects are on trend without being something that is a flash in the pan sort of style. Amy truly has an eye for styling! After I get through this chunk of projects I will be working on a few things from the book! We picked up this cute book at the library yesterday – The Hueys in The New Sweater. I’m a big Oliver Jeffers fan and in this book, to make himself different – one little guy knits a sweater, starting a trend. Cute! I’m still reading “Body in the Library. I just haven’t felt like reading. 

It’s been one of those weeks.  Following last week’s yarn along, Nate became ultra fussy and we figured it could be blamed on new teeth coming in.  On Thursday, Nate was not any better, and then at SnB I busted through 4 projects! Good thing I have several options in my bag – I messed up the hat band, brought the wrong needles for a different hat, ran out of a ball of yarn… you get the idea.  Thursday night Nate was up quite a bit, still running a temp, being fussy and developed a rash. Friday morning then started very early (I was up at 4:30 and stayed up), and we were expecting relatives to help install a generator. I took Nate to the doctor’s and he was “diagnosed” as having had some virus that resulted in the rash.  And that was about all that could be done, just wait it out.  Meanwhile, Dan wasn’t feeling well, and someone made Lorelai’s sandwich and didn’t put the top of the Fluff container on the right way.


We muddled through the weekend and in between the fussyness of the little ones, fighting my computer’s internet issues, I have found little time to knit or read. Oh well.  I do have 4 more hexiflats done, the sleeves for a sample knit are finished (the blue) and I continue to work on the body of the other sample sweater (not shown, it is still a blob). I was able to work up a relatively quick hat for a designer friend that might lead to a bit more knitting work, so yay on that.

Here’s to a better week!

3 thoughts on “Yarn Along – August 8

  1. My goodness. Sounds a tad like my house, a toddler and a baby, plus 97 degrees lately, and I have hardly knit or read. (or cooked for that matter) I am , and will still be next week, reading The Wind Through The Keyhole by Stephen King. I've been knitting the first podster mitt forever now, and some coffee cozy's for gifts.

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