
Motivate Me Monday

Hello Monday! Would you believe I have been looking forward to this day for a week? Seriously. My to-do list is longer than I am tall with house stuff, work stuff, crafty stuff, and getting everyone back on a schedule following school vacation last week. I think we all have a bit of holiday hangover too. The weather is still a bit cool for spring, but I’m feeling ready to Get. Stuff. Done. Hopefully this will last for a while. My mood was also helped a bit by getting the chance to have some face time with my niece on Sunday, isn’t technology fantastic? Of course, I didn’t get the chance to catch up with my brother or sister-in-law as it really was all about the kids, making faces and silly noises at each other!

I have been taking another look at my ever-growing Ravelry queue, the patterns, and my stash and I’d really like to get going on a few new projects. Here are a few that have caught my eye:


The Pull Me Over pattern by Andrea Black, in Romney Ridge Farm Hand-Dyed Worsted: Stormy Blue.

I can’t stop thinking about this sweet blanket, the Happy Throw by Tara Murray. I think I’d like to make each of my kids a new blanket. Crochet could be faster and eat up a good chunk of stash yarn.  If I start now, I could be done by Christmas, right?

Linking up!Making the World Cuter

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