crochet · Lorelai · sampleknit · WIPs

WIP Blobs with a side of Turkey

I make a strong effort to blog each week. Having the link parties like WIP Wednesday, FO Friday (those ones haven’t been active in a while – I wonder what’s up?),  Creative Friday, and Yarn Along are all wonderful motivators. I want to join in and see what everyone is up to. I have found a number of great yarns, patterns, projects and books by clicking around. Sometimes it is easy to feel stuck even if you have been productive! I have been knitting and crocheting this week. The problem is that one project I am keeping under wraps for now, a different project is a new sample knit, and the third project is not all that much to look at. Is a pile of WIP blobs interesting? I think it depends. Over the weekend I finally cast on for Lorelai’s blanekt – a Happy Throw, same as Nate’s, in a rainbow of colors. I thought this was a pretty cool way to snap the start of that project:

Cast On L

Today I pulled out the sample knitting project and Lorelai’s blanket to show the progress. Very blobby, but the colors sort of echo my turkey decorations that I have out. Voila! Easy photo prop!

Turkey WIPsI’m almost ready for the yellow on the rainbow happy throw, and maybe 10% done on the sample knitting. Moving along, as it should. How are your projects going? Where are you linking up?



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